Friday, March 2, 2018


Matthew 22:5 - "But they made light of it and went away, one to his farm and another to his business."

Unconcerned. The word translated "made light of" is unconcerned. The guests thought their work was more important than their friend. They have snubbed him for the second time; more deeply. I would have been both angry and humiliated. That is a hard blow to suffer.

Yet, again, do we also not do the same in our spiritual lives? Do we not make our own concerns for food, money, work, and entertainment more important than God's concerns of justice, love and mercy? Some of us are so busy there aren't enough hours in the day for our own concerns, let alone those of God. I was in a job interview yesterday and the interviewer asked how I practice self-care. You might think this verse is a long way from self-care, but I think not. When we consistently prioritize country, money, work, our own desires, and entertainment over God's concerns, we are serving our concerns rather than God. When we're so busy we have no time for God, no time to celebrate a friend's wedding, we're not practicing good physical, emotional, or spiritual self-care. That is the definition of idolatry.

I'm not including people who are merely trying to survive in this category. In fact, that is where God's concern is and where our concern as Christians should be: with those who are in need of healthcare, housing, food, jobs, justice, or even a little understanding.

In this season of Lent, this may be something we need to repent, always putting God off until later. Although God is continually inviting us to the banquet, we can say no when we want to. Sometimes it's necessary. Our question should always be whether we're focusing on our own concerns or God's concerns and why?

Come to the table. All is ready.

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