Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Love, Mercy, and Hope

Matthew 22:15 - Then the Pharisees went and plotted together in order that they might entrap Jesus' in his word.

Love and mercy ... the Pharisees are so busy protecting what they have, there's no room for love or mercy in their hearts. The fear they must be feeling! The elders of the synagogue answered to the Romans. If Jesus' revolution gets out of hand, they will be responsible. They desperately want to keep the peace, but with Jesus around, that task is difficult. The Pharisees are also afraid of the people, which is why they need to plot in secrecy rather than just arresting Jesus.

There are many in the US who are stoking the fears of others, encouraging them to blame "those people" for those fears. I suppose they think it gives their own fears legitimacy. The NRA is among the stokers of fear. In fact, their entire business model is to create fear so people will buy more guns to keep themselves safe. Which, ironically, makes us all less safe. It's a downward spiral that is very hard to get off once a person has jumped on. So, they, too need our prayers; living in this kind of fear and anxiety is hard.

I'll tell you what I fear; I fear that those responsible for keeping our democracy a democracy are abdicating that responsibility in favor of lining their own pockets. Or, is it because Russia and/or Cambridge Analytica has something on them? Either way, they are the Pharisees desperately seeking a way to keep the peace, to discredit Mueller and his investigation, to paint those who disagree as troublemakers. Their desperation shows in their eyes; they seem to know they're expected to do something, but they don't seem to know what to do. They, too, are acting out of fear. It is so disheartening to watch, I have to take breaks from the news. I'm guessing we all do.

So, my desire today is to be motivated not by fear, but rather by hope. Jurgan Moltmann points out that Christian hope is always in the future. We cannot see the way to get there from where we are now. Otherwise, it wouldn't be hope, would it? The path is hidden, yet with the eyes of love and mercy, our next steps become clear. Faith is following those steps, even though we cannot see where they lead. Christian hope, is bigger than just reclaiming one country - it entails a new heaven and a new earth. A more peaceful place where everything is being made new, where there is no more mourning or weeping, and where Jesus will wipe the tears from our eyes.

Jesus constantly reminds us the path to this place of peace can only be seen when we love God, love our neighbors, and love ourselves to the best of our ability. Love and mercy are vital; love and mercy for ourselves and others. It is Lent, a time for repentance. Today, I choose to repent my lack of hope. When I feel hopeless, I become fearful, anxious and withdrawn, which helps no one. Today, I choose to act in accord with God's hope.

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