Thursday, March 29, 2018


Mark 14:18 - And as they were eating (the Passover meal) at the table, Jesus said to them, "Truly, I tell you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me."

Ouch. Can you imagine being one of the disciples in this moment? They've been following him around for months, if not years, and he tells them one of them will betray him. We know they are surprised as they all excitedly ask, "Is it I?" Oddly, this episode goes no further. Instead, Jesus shares the bread and wine with them telling them, "This is my body ... this is my blood." The world's most surreal dinner.

Yet, as I was reading this account of the last supper, I was struck by how Holy Week often resembles our own Christian journey. They are joyous and excited about Jesus on Palm Sunday, waving palms fronds and shouting, "Hosannah!" Yet, shortly after, they end up betraying Jesus. In my tradition, we normally celebrate the Lord's Supper once a month. However, the church I've been going to has a service that celebrates it weekly. I imagine every one of us who attends that service and eats with Christ at the table (however you imagine his presence), inevitably ends up betraying him before the week is up.

It is so, so easy to betray Christ; walking by the person begging without acknowledging their presence, yelling at our spouses or kids, arguing on behalf of police rather than supporting their Black victims, wondering whether kids know anything about gun control, judging ourselves more harshly than is warranted, feeling no obligation to help those less fortunate. So, so many ways to betray Christ.

As Lent comes to a close, I am choosing to reflect on my "favorite" ways to betray Christ, most notably is being critical of others. Instead, I'd like to ask God for the grace of an open mind and heart toward those I may be challenged by for whatever reason. The grace to recognize Christ in everyone and everything; for that is how we love God, love our neighbor, and love ourselves.

Lord, have mercy on us.

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