Saturday, January 13, 2018

Shaken, Not Stirred

Matthew 21:10 - And when he entered Jerusalem, all the city was stirred, shaken, agitated, saying, "Who is this?"

The word translated stirred, shaken, agitated (because I couldn't choose) relates to fear rather than excitement. They, like Herod, were fearful seeing this parade because of the threat of violence. The people with Jesus are proclaiming him as their king - in direct opposition to Caesar. That is sedition. Roman soldiers patrolled the streets, especially since it's near a festival time. The threat of violence was real.

I can relate to this; every time I hear 45 speak or I hear about new policies he's endorsing. Most of them are cruel and unnecessary. Only meant to punish or overturn what President Obama accomplished. They are not life-giving, only death-dealing. I read a report this morning about the unconstitutional actions of our ICE and border patrol. Apparently, they are deporting people without asking why they're here, without asking about asylum (which they're legally required to do), without any mercy or compassion whatsoever. A significant number have been kidnapped for ransom or been killed.

I am shaken - and sickened - by the blatant hypocrisy of the GOP, their craven silence regarding 45, and their lack of action on behalf of anyone who is not a corporation or already rich and white.

I am sickened by the rise of white supremacy and the accompanying terrorism against peoples of color. A black lesbian was shot and thrown in the trunk of a car, which was then set on fire this past week.

I am sickened by the GOP's cavalier attitude regarding the harm they have caused and will cause, even death. I am sickened, too, by the realization that I have been privileged not to have to notice that this has been reality for many people - American citizens - for a long time. None of this is new. None of it. It's just more obvious because there are no consequences.

I am sickened by the idea that our President colluded with Russia - who is our enemy! They hacked our elections and will do so again. Collusion hasn't been definitively proven, but all the signs continue to point in that direction. Remember, the Russians hacked the RNC emails at the same time they hacked the DNC's emails. Those have not been released; perhaps because all the Republican senators and congresspeople have fallen in line?

I believe 45 has committed treason against the United States. And Republican senators and congresspeople are just as guilty for not calling him out or doing anything in their power to stop him. I can easily understand why Jerusalem would be shook up with fear from seeing Jesus' protest parade. Just as we are traumatized by Republicans' actions against fellow American citizens and those we've protected because they're vulnerable, so were the Jewish people traumatized by the brutality of the Roman occupation.

Please, let's all take care of ourselves and remember, the work doesn't stop when 45 goes away. We are still a long way away from equality for all people in the US and it's up to us, all of us to fix it. Just like President Obama continually reminded us.

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