Thursday, January 11, 2018


Matthew 21:5-8 - The disciples went and brought the donkey and colt as Jesus had directed them; they spread their cloaks over them and he sat on them. A very large crowd spread their own cloaks on the road and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.

As I said, this is a protest of the Roman Empire's injustices in the form of a Roman triumph. Jesus is playing the part of the king and is welcomed by all those throwing branches and cloaks on the ground. These are a sign that they recognize him as king.

After that, all I have is questions. Sometimes it goes that way when we read the Bible. For example, did Jesus plan this or is he just going along? Is this a spontaneous protest as those that followed the 2016 elections? He must have known or he wouldn't have known about the donkeys.

Also, is this the crowd that followed him from Jericho? Are they from Jerusalem? Or is it a mixture? How do they know what is going on? Did they have previous knowledge or are they going along? Did the authorities ever discover this parade?

But the biggest question I have is this: What did Jesus hope to accomplish?

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