Monday, January 22, 2018


Matthew 21:17 - And he left them and went out of the city to Bethany and lodged there.

First century equivalent of a mic drop? I'm surprised they let him go; maybe they were still processing what he said. At any rate, he leaves the temple and goes to Bethany and lodges at a friend's house most likely. Hopefully, they returned the donkey and the colt on the way. I wonder why he left, though. Was he preparing for his ordeal? was he hiding? enjoying time with friends and disciples? Maybe all of that - and more.

Getting away from activity is healthy and good, even when the activity itself is healthy and good! We all need time away, time to ourselves. Some of us more than others. Yet, lodging in those days wasn't as quite as amenable to self-reflection as a night in a good hotel. There were likely many people and maybe animals nearby; a lot of commotion. It would have been hard to have "alone time," which is why Jesus often went up mountains to pray. He advised his disciples as well to "go into your room and pray in secret."

In our busy world, we focus on productivity and action. As a society, America is not very self-reflective. Yet, it's the best way to hear God calling our name. I wrote last time that when God calls us, she ordains us. I was pleased, therefore, while watching a sermon on YouTube, to hear Dr. Brad Braxton - my preaching professor - equate baptism with ordination. "Do you remember your ordination day?" We are all called to ministry and have to be listening for that call; well, okay sometimes it comes out of the blue. Yet, being quiet increases our chances. We will have a hard time hearing it if we fill our days with action and purpose with no time to just be. Let's listen for God's call today.

Do I spend time with God every day? If not, what is keeping me from doing so? Is there a time during my day, no matter how short, that I can repurpose?

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