Thursday, January 4, 2018

Christmas 2017 Day 11

John 9:39 - Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind."

This quote comes near the end of the chapter. On a Sabbath, Jesus had healed a man born blind and who used to beg at the gates of the city. The Pharisees hear about it and proceed to question everyone involved; the man, the eyewitnesses, his neighbors and even his parents. No one wants to come out and say that Jesus is special in any way. They all hem and haw and refer them back to the man born blind. Even his parents! They fear upsetting the Pharisees and do not want to get kicked out of the synagogue.

The entire chapter explores various caves of blindness; physical blindness, spiritual blindness, and the willful blindness of those who do not see because it benefits them not to see. All of us are spiritually or willfully blind at one time or another, right? None of have perfect vision or theology. What is denial but willful blindness? Yet, choosing not to see what is right in front of us, leads to a life of lies, manipulations, secrets, and loneliness. Using others for gain, we no longer see them as human.

In this story, the Pharisees are those who choose blindness over vision. Perhaps because Jesus is turning their world upside-down and threatening their livelihood, their self-regard, and their power. The question everyone, not to discover what happened, but rather as an intimidation and smear tactic. If they can convince others that Jesus is a fraud and a sinner, the don't have to change or give up any power. Willful blindness is all about power.

Today in America, Republicans play this role; Ryan and McConnell in particular. They use 45 to get their agenda passed. They know and have known from the beginning that 45 is completely unfit for office. They choose willful blindness in order to steal from poor Americans to give to rich people and corporations. Meanwhile, Puerto Rico is still without power - and it is those who could not afford to get to the mainland that are suffering. Nine million children may lose their insurance, and thus their healthcare, because the Republicans are so busy trying to take everyone's health insurance away, they failed to renew it in September and continue to do so. Dreamers fear being deported from the only home they've known because they have failed to take any action to help keep them here. They are not working for us, but rather against us. Jesus had something to say about that: It would be better for [them] if a millstone had been tied around their necks and they were drowned in the sea (paraphrase).

Jesus wasn't playing around and neither should we. This is the work of Christmas; there can be no peace, or joy, or hope without love demonstrated by justice for all. Silence is no longer an option.

Is there something I have been denying in my own life causing me or others harm? How can I get the courage to see and act on injustice? Am I speaking out? If not, why not?

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