Friday, May 6, 2016

Wind and Worship

Matthew 14:31-32 - And when they got into the boat the wind stopped. And they worshiped him in the boat saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."

So all that time Peter was in doubt, the wind was blowing and the waves were still high. We know why he doubted. It seems like my life is a little like that right now. Yet, Jesus comes, grabs me, stills the wind and brings me to mental safety when I call him. The overarching point of this passage, in addition to Jesus being powerful and the Son of God, is Jesus' compassion for us. And by extension, God's passion for us. When I regularly pray and worship, I feel Jesus beside me, I hear him asking me why I doubted, and I sense the peace when the wind stills.

Jesus cares about God's creation and I must also care if I choose to follow him. My question for today is how can I follow and care as I go along my way?

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