Thursday, May 5, 2016

Faith and Doubt

Matthew 14:31 - Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him up saying to him, "You of little faith; why did you doubt?"

Why, indeed? We doubt even though we have faith! Jesus commends Peter's faith, even though it's "little." We, too, have faith even when we also have doubts. In this case, doubt helped build Peter's faith! When he doubted Jesus rescued him immediately. He risked, doubted, and was saved. His faith, and that of the others grew. I do not think there is no room for doubt in faith. Our doubts are important and need to be voiced and struggled with. Israel means one who struggles with God. The meaning and mystery are revealed in the struggle. Let's not quench our doubts but rather examine them, struggle with them, and work our way through them with God's help and grace.

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