Sunday, May 8, 2016

Knowing and Healing

Matthew 14:34-36 - And crossing over they came to the land at Genesaret. When the people of that land recognized him, they sent to the neighboring countryside and brought to him all that were sick, beseeching that they might only touch the fringe of his robe and all who did so were made well.

One thing stands out to me immediately - how did they recognize him? There are so many ways this could play out. He could have started preaching, or someone knew him from before, or even they could just tell. Jesus must have been very charismatic and people like that attract people without really having to try. Or a combination of all three. In any case, they did not ask for him but he came to them and they recognized him. That is how my coming back to the church happened - I didn't ask, but God came anyway and I recognized him.

The verb that is translated "recognize" is the verb to know. In fact, it means to know completely. The implication is that they recognize his face but also who he is. They also recognize how he can help them. And they act accordingly! They let the whole region know that he is there and they brought all the sick people. They respond out of love for their neighbors.

I think that's a good example for us. God comes to us every day. Do we recognize her? Do we know and understand as completely as the people of Genesaret? Do we feel the love God offers us? Do we then act on that love? Do we then love our neighbors?

My second observation flows from this - healing happens in community. If the people who recognized him had done nothing, no one would have been healed. They would not have been healed. Yet they did and we do an'd we are healed by doing the least that we can for others, by touching Christ's garment. IMagine what could happen when we open ourselves up to Jesus touching our hearts.

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