Sunday, May 22, 2016


Matthew 15:12-13 - The disciples came to him and said, "Do you know that the Pharisees were offended by your words?" And he answered them and said, "Every tree that is not planted by my father in heaven will be rooted up."

Offended. The Pharisees were offended I get  offended when people tell me the truth about how they perceive me and I don't want to face it. The Pharisees knew that Jesus, in talking about uncleanliness coming from within was talking about them and their traditions. They were offended and angry! Angry because they were caught. The word used is skandalizo, which means to cause to stumble but has the idea of being caught, being offended or becoming angry in the tense used. The Pharisees were probably all three: Caught, offended, and angry. They were trying to follow as best they knew and Jesus showed them, over and over, how hollow that way had become.

Then Jesus tells his disciples that every tree not planted in the good soil of God, the father, will be uprooted. Unless we, too, are rooted in the word and root our actions in GOd's love and mercy, we will feel uprooted. Our actions become willy-nilly rather than thoughtful. Our hearts become greedy and envious rather than grateful and joyful. We lose our strength, the living water is rejected for the stagnant water of our own wills. I am reminded of the tree that the gardener pleads for. The owner wants it cut, but the gardener has faith and nourishes the tree. The story doesn't say what the end result is and i believe that the tree lives - because Jesus' love gives life rather than death. Which brings us back to the origin of the offense - Connecting with God rather than performing rituals without thinking or feeling is what brings us life. Mindless rituals bring only death of love.

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