Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Matthew 15:7 - "Hypocrits! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you when he said, 'This people praises me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.'"

Ouch. I know in my own life I am as often as not far from God. It is we who turn away however, not God. It is we who praise with our lips and our actions show the true desires of our hearts. Yet, God accommodates us. He comes to us where we are and gives us grace in the struggle. Here Jesus is confronting the Pharisees and scribes with their behavior, showing how it is not a reflection of their words. Their behavior says they (we!) are far from God, but their lips say otherwise.

Today my prayer is to have my thoughts match my words and both be oriented toward following Christ. I know I will fail, yet I know I will have grace anyway. Grace to try again. Grace to make amends.


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