Sunday, August 2, 2015


Matthew 9:14-15 - And some disciples of John said to him, "Why do we and the Pharisees fast while you and your disciples do not fast?" And Jesus answered him, "The guests at the wedding cannot fast while the bridegroom is with them. But the day will come when the bridegroom will be taken away and then they will fast."

So, Jesus is a bridegroom and the disciples are the guests at his wedding. Who is the bride? Israel. I think Jesus is continuing the wedding imagery of the Old Testament, in which God is the bridegroom and Israel is the bride. If this is true, the hearers would interpret it as blasphemy. Jesus is calling himself God.

Also, why a wedding? I think maybe because it was the time that all the neighbors rejoiced - a new union would mean new babies and the continuation of life. They partied for seven days! Maybe we are to think of life as a wedding and enjoy the party. God is our bridegroom - don't take that too literally! - and all shall be well. We are to rejoice in God's care and concern for us and for all creation. A theology of life.

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