Monday, August 17, 2015


Matthew 9:27-31 - And as he left that place, two blind men followed him crying and saying, "Have mercy on us, Son of David." And he entered the house and as they came in he said to them, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" They said, "Yes, Lord." Then he touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith, may it be done for you." And their eyes were opened. He warned them sternly not to tell anyone. But they spread the story throughout the whole land.

So, not just action is required. We have seen in the past few days that action is required for Jesus/God to act. We need to move so God can guide us. God will not push. Yet, action is not enough. We need to believe that Jesus can do it. We need to believe that we/the situation can change. The two blind men believed and acted on that belief. According to their faith it was done for them.

This does not address what happens when we believe and it does not happen. I honestly am not sure how best to talk about that. Clearly, the answer to every prayer cannot be yes or no one would die and the planet would be pretty darn crowded. What does it mean when the thing we want to change doesn't? My aunt in Las Vegas is sick right now and is refusing treatment. I think that was a good decision. She is a strong woman and keeping her dignity is important. I know her children will give her a good death.

Parabolic hope. We make things as good as they can get and try to accept the things that won't change. But only as we work on changing those things we can. This is not an all-purpose excuse to sit on our butts! Things will not change if we do that. I think the discernment from yesterday comes in here. We need to be able to see where God might be leading and try to follow.

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