Sunday, August 9, 2015

Common sense

Matthew 9:16-17 - "No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment for the cloth will pull away and a worse tear will be made. Also, no one puts new wine into old wineskins lest the wine pour out and the wineskin is destroyed. Rather, new wine is put into new wineskns and both are preserved."

"I have come to call not the righteous but sinners ..." "When the bridegroom is gone from them they will fast ..." Verses 16 and 17 coming up on these last two sayings makes it clear that Jesus is talk about common sense. It is only common sense that the healer comes to those who need healing, the sick. It is only common sense that the bridegrooms friends will feast during the reception. Yes? The last two sayings make it clear that all four are grouped together under common sense.

But what is he contrasting common sense with? In the first case it is the marginalization of outcasts. Jesus sees in them something that no one even tries to see. He sees them as made in God's image, just like everyone else. Thus, we should not cast them out but bring them back into society. So he goes to them and talks and eats with them and figures out what they need that he can give. He then helps them back into society, into community with others. He heals them and in so doing he heals society.
Yet he also offers them - and others who see it - hope. Hope for them and for a better future.

In the second case, he is contrasting common sense with the fasting rule John has implemented. This I find a little more difficult. Why? John is usually not a target, but perhaps that is why John is not a disciple? Did they go their separate ways because of divisions like this? It is clear from the gospels that Jesus liked to party. He is often pictured having meals with people. Is there a way to link this to hope somehow? Giving others permission to be happy? Perhaps John is too serious? I know that can be a problem in the church today - I think Peter is sometimes too serious. But, really, without laughter and friends, we would all be lost. Because hope lies in communities of love and respect and empathy. That is really what Jesus offers, God's love and empathy.

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