Friday, April 24, 2015


In reading the Beatitudes in Matthew I have realized some things I never recognized. In verse 5, there are two words that grabbed my attention; "meek" and "earth."

Meek is not the best translation for this verb! Better translations are gentle, compassionate, and patient. To me, the word meek implies an inability to speak up for oneself that the other words do not have. In fact, they are more focus verbs rather than action verbs. As in I am patient with someone or a situation. Same with compassion. It needs an object.

However, the word earth is more interesting. It does not necessarily mean the entire earth. Another translation for the word is "land." And to the Hebrews, 'land' symbolized the promise to Abraham. Land does not just signify power or domination. It signifies peace, security, autonomy, God as king, home and descendents. Jesus' speakers would have instantly understood this without the need for explanation. He was speaking to Jewish people.

So, the gentle shall inherit the land, God's promise of peace, security, abundance, autonomy, home and descendants. It includes God being in the midst of the city. We can think of it as peace, as the promise of the New Jerusalem. God's eternal, abiding presence.

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