Sunday, April 26, 2015


Matthew 5:14, 16: You are the light of the world/universe ... Let your light shine before others that your good deeds might be known and glorify your father, who is in heaven.

Light and salt - good things! Especially in the first century BCE. We do not know dark like they knew dark. Nor do we have an appreciation for how much better salt made their lives. Mostly.

So, again we ask, "What does it mean to be salt and light of the world?" This passage comes just after the Beatitudes. It makes sense then that the good deeds of salt and light are humility (poor in spirit), connection to others (mourn with those who mourn), patience/ compassion, hunger and thirst for justice, merciful, pure in heart (moral, probably not sexual morality), peaceful, and integrity. Integrity - being willing to stand for what you believe, even to the point of death.

Yesterday I talked about salt and how it makes everything better. As well as how we (I) get in my own way by hanging on to the small inconveniences of life. I think I am afraid to look at this anger just yet. I am certain it comes from something that happened - or maybe I'm just whining. ... At any rate, this unit of CPE will really help if I am open to hearing others on the subject.

I did start thinking in first step terms of powerlessness and unmanagability. It keeps me cooped up in my own self, my own thoughts, my own small world. It is me against the world and that is a sad way to live. It is like keeping my light under a bushel basket. Today, I choose to really look at how this affects me. I will try not to judge my reactions, merely note them and move on. This will be interesting as I am headed to church and that is one thing that is getting my goat. I should say I am letting it get my goat when there is no need to do so. God is with me in my anger. She understands.

Today I choose to be the lamp stand that allows others to see the light of God.

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