Monday, April 27, 2015


Matthew 5:17-19 (paraphrase): I have not come to do away with the Law and the Prophets but to fulfill - like a prophecy. The Law is still valid as long as the earth is here. If one follows the law and teaches others to follow the law, that person will be great in heaven.

Lots of stuff here to think about. What does it mean to fulfill the law? Does it mean to perform it perfectly? Does it mean to embody the law? If the law is thus fulfilled is it still on us to keep it? Jesus says, yes! Not one iota or stroke will pass away until heaven and earth pass away.

Elsewhere Jesus sums up the law by saying: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, body and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. So the basic premise of the Law is to remember that other people are people. (Which is difficult for some of us.) We all deserve the be treated with decency and respect. And love

So, how does this follow from the passages on salt and light? It seems as though it should come before the passages on salt and light. But, if we go around loving others as we love ourselves - recognizing that most of us do love ourselves - we will be salt and light. We will make the world around us tastier and easier to navigate.

Hmm - I like the easier to navigate. Right now there are many whose paths in life are unnecessarily difficult to navigate because the inherent racism in our justice system and in our social narrative. Fulfilling the law means being light. It means striving to conform to the beatitudes. It means making others' paths easier and more enjoyable.

Saturday, Peter and I went to our State Representatives' town hall meeting. We talked about the bills she is sponsoring and the budget fights that are happening as well as the conditions in which those fights are happening. It can be so disheartening. At the same time, there will be opportunities to protest this week and in the coming weeks. It may do no good. Yet, I think I can do my best to put some of my energy where my mind is and show up. I know I will feel less helpless. I may even make some new connections and friends.

I think a good lesson to take here is that we need to do more than just be good people. In some concrete way we are asked to also strive to make the world a better place for all people. Love our neighbor, fulfill the law.

But it has a personal component as well. I made an experiment yesterday, watching to see where I became angry and what brought anger on. Peter's thoughts, screens at church, those are the biggies. In both instances I felt left out of something important. For example, I have a hard time looking at screens. They wanted to use them so Eric could save time and not have to write up a bulletin. Yet, there was no warning. In Peter's case, he is thinking about making decisions and doing things without getting my input. Again, I feel left out of our community.

I want to trust that God can handle these things. Peter usually comes around to my point of view - or we come together. Yet, I continue to react with anger rather than understanding. I have a lot of resentment against Mike, too. He did not figure very big yesterday. But the Condo Association has allowed his actions to make the sale of our condo more difficult. I was not a part of that. I am hoping to be part of the solution.

I know that the anger is deeper than that. And I will take time this week to trust that God can handle this. That I can handle this and that God is here with me. Loving myself enough to believe God loves me.

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