Monday, July 9, 2018

What's Your Camel?

Matthew 23:24 – “Blind guides! Straining a gnat, while swallowing a camel.”

If civility is the gnat, then tyranny is the camel. Supporters of 45 are so deluded – or so vile – they are willing to overlook anything he does, even separating young children from their parents and keeping them in detention. Yet, they want everyone to treat them civilly. It’s rude to make someone uncomfortable in public, they say. The house is even considering censuring Representative Maxine Waters for suggesting that we keep up such pressure. Think about that for a moment. The president gets away with crimes against humanity with nary a blink but suggesting that we resist such behavior from our leaders by holding them accountable gets someone censured. This tribal mentality of anything is okay as long as you’re on my “side” is what we are up against in the US today.

Some of us have forgotten that there aren’t supposed to be "sides." We are one country. Our elected leaders are supposed to govern all of us. Instead, Republicans pass bills to give major gifts to their donors, to “make liberals cry,” or to undo what Obama accomplished in spite of their childish foot-stomping. Jesus is calling out the scribes and Pharisees in this verse for exactly the same behavior. The Republicans, the scribes, and the Pharisees all claim they are following their God’s instructions or wishes; or at least that God is on their "side." I’m very certain that Jesus would be calling Republicans out as well.

But turning aside from the easy reading of this passage, what about you and me? We all have things we like done a certain way. Unless that’s just me? We all have times when our expectations of others are unrealistic; harsher than our expectations for ourselves. It’s very easy to see where others are “wrong.” It’s easy to strain those insignificant gnats. It’s more difficult to admit when we are trying to swallow a camel.

What is your camel? Is it possible to step back and see yourself trying to swallow it? Trying to control the uncontrollable perhaps? Having unrealistic expectations of ourselves or others? Giving ourselves too much of a break? Not enough of a break? There are numerous ways to swallow that camel. However, focusing on our own behavior, and letting that camel go on its way, keeps us busy enough that soon, the gnat that was so irritating barely registers.

One piece of our business should always be holding our elected representatives accountable. Keep calling, writing, protesting, practicing civil disobedience, educating others, voting, talking to each other, and listening to each other. All of these are our business as citizens of a democracy. Especially since our current administration is not a gnat, but a camel.

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