Tuesday, July 17, 2018

What Would You Have Done?

Matthew 23:29-30 – “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites that build the tombs of the prophets and monuments to the memory of the righteous, and say, “If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have joined in the shedding of the blood of the prophets.”

My journey through Matthew has been weirdly appropriate to what’s happening in our world today. Again, our leaders and 45 as well as his administration are not hypocrites. They may lie about it, but heir corruption and their kissing of 45’s ass (and that of his base) is out there for all to see. Where they become hypocrites is in discussing things like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They honor his memory, but arrest and criticize those who imitate him. Colin Kaepernick, for example. They ‘honor’ Jesus, whom they consider to be their god, the same way! Clearly, they don’t know the same Jesus I do.

The president pushed our democracy, such as it is, one step closer to the cliff in Russia. In response, we get crickets from the Republicans. Sure, some of them talked about it, but until they DO something, they’re complicit. I’m not going to repeat what was said and done. I assume you know all about it. What I will do is ask the question implied in Jesus’ statement: what would you have done had you lived in the days of Hitler's Germany? Or in the days of Dr. King? It’s an easy question to answer because what you’re doing now in opposition to 45, his administration, and Republican complicity IS the answer.

I admit, I probably would not have marched with Dr. King. I’m a coward when it comes to physical pain. But now, I’m doing better. I’m learning. It’s difficult deciding what to do because lupus limits my participation in many things. If I do too much, then I’m stuck recuperating and no good to anyone. It doesn’t mean I’m not involved, just not as involved as I’d like.

What about you? Will you step up more now that it is clearer than ever that our democracy is at stake?

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