Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Living Wage

Matthew 20:10 - And when the first came, they supposed they would get more (than a denarius), but each of them also received a denarius.

I suspect most of us would suppose so. I wrote yesterday about them going so far as to make plans. It is fair to us that everyone receives wages proportionate to the work they have done. After all, Paul wrote that "those who don't work should not eat." In a perfectly just society, we might be able to suppose such.

The catch is that we live here on earth in the age of shitty Republicans who care nothing about their fellow citizens - or even other people. Demonizing people of color, Democrats, and women; working to get rid of our health insurance; fighting for tax cuts for rich people at the expense of poor people; working to rob people of their voting rights - voter suppression; resisting any sensible gun laws, even when faced again and again with mass shootings that could have been avoided. I could go on. The point is we don't live in anything close to a just society. We live in a society in which Black people and poor people are systematically kept down.

So, we cannot say with Paul that those who don't work, don't eat. In our current climate, that would be unjust - our world is made to benefit rich, white men. If your name doesn't sound white on your resume, your chances of finding meaningful employment are slimmer than a white person's chances. If your name sounds Black, Latinx, or Asian, your chances of buying a house in a good neighborhood are also slimmer than a white person's - if you have a chance at all. These are facts.

More facts, this situation leaves disabled and chronically ill people at a sever disadvantage. In order to get Medic-aid, one needs to divest all their assets. We systematically keep disabled and chronically ill people out of the work force when we can, in the name of the "Almighty Dollar." I say 'we,' but it's been Republicans doing this for at least three decades. They like to pretend that we live in a just society and that all things are equal. This lets them pretend that people who are poor are just lazy. Remember, not all things are equal.

On of the more interesting ideas I've heard to help this situation is a minimum income for everyone - even rich people. Even you. A living wage. Our economy is (was?) losing manufacturing jobs and there are many people who are unemployed. If all these people had enough to live on, there would be even more money  circulating in our economy. Everyone would benefit. This is what is happening in this parable! God is giving everyone enough to live on. Does that make you uncomfortable? If so, follow up on that. It's a good question to ask yourself.

God gives everyone a living wage; so should we, especially disabled and chronically ill people, we have enough trouble just getting through the day.

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