Monday, October 9, 2017


Matthew 20:14 - "Take what belongs to you and go; I choose to give this last the same as you."

Again, the landowner is a picture of generosity that is lacking in current day American capitalism. Instead, we have divorced ethics from business and have promoted the myth that business is what drives America, instead of workers. In fact, we have turned 'empathy' into a dirty word in politics. I am reminded again about lament as a tool for ministry and activism. Things happen so fast with this administration and they are so corrupt that there is no time to lament as a country. Not that we would be able to get the country together. It is difficult to me to know how to respond to people who only think about what they can get out of their actions.

In contrast, we serve a God whose sole concern is for the poor and downtrodden. Those we normally ignore, like the man who tried to sell me cocaine on my walk yesterday morning. My first instinct was to avoid him and keep walking. I don't really know why I stopped and responded to his question. ... I'm glad I did though. Because God looks on that person with love and empathy. That man has a story; he did not wake up a coke dealer. God knows his story - Republicans seem not to care. Love, empathy, and generosity tend to be missing in our national discourse. I'd love to find a way to help bring them back. I'm reminded of Fred Rogers' story about his mother's advice, "Look for the helpers."

Look for those who care enough to be present with those who are suffering. Lament with those who lament, mourn with those who mourn.

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