Monday, October 9, 2017

Generosity Redux

Matthew 20:15 - "Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious (is your eye wicked) because I am generous."

See, many people take the first sentence out of context and use it to mean we should not have minimum/living wage laws and other such bullshit. Of course, we are allowed to do what we want with our things within limits. This landowner had to pay taxes like everyone else. He is not railing against an unjust government's laws. No, he is in the middle of advocating generosity generosity rather than selfishness.

And this gives me an image of the laborers as white, cis-, het-, Christian men. They were in a position as virtual rulers and they expected more for their efforts than those "others." When those others (women, men of color, women of color, LGBTQ people, those with disabilities) started demanding equal rights, the pampered white men freaked out. There were losing their hold on power and their "rightful place" in society. Well, that was their thinking. It still is; they talk wistfully of a "simpler time" - meaning a time when those "others" were kept in their places.

And if the workers arriving first are the white men, the everyone else is those "others" who arrived later. Who knows why they arrived later? A sick child, traffic, medical emergency, stop to help someone on the way? So many reasons. The "final workers" of this world didn't and don't care. God cares. Jesus cares. God is here making a case for equality. So here's a litmus test: if someone claims to be a Christian, yet tries to take away health insurance (for example) from millings of their fellow Americans, they have wandered away from following Jesus and God, because Jesus's followers care, too.

The landowner then asks, "or is your eye wicked because I am generous?" Yes, the answer is yes. Anytime we are not joyful for someone receiving a blessing, we are going against Jesus. Rejoice with those who rejoice. Trump's being elected president is not a blessing. Blessings are life-giving and encourage human flourishing. They support the Christian hope rather than denigrate it. As Calvin wrote, (paraphrased) not only must we not do the prohibited actions in the Ten Commandments, but we must also do the opposite. Do not kill, but also encourage the flourishing of physical and spiritual life. Do not steal, but also build a society whose members do not need to steal just to eat. You get the idea.

In all areas of our lives, including business!, we are call to generosity and flourishing of life for all and especially the poor and downtrodden. It's a good reminder to check and see how we stand today.

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