Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Matthew 18:25 - When we could not pay, his lord ordered that he be sold, along with his wife and his children and all that he had and payment made.

I have been thinking about limitations this morning. That and this passage make me realize that our lives can change in an instant. We feel secure and comfortable and wham! everything is new. And we hate it - even when the new is good, we often resist. Of course, the life of this slave was more fragile than that of the master.

I often feel like that slave. That any minute disaster is about to strike and I think there are many in this country that feel the same - immigrants, Muslims, Jewish people, African-Americans, Mexicans and other Latin people, the mentally ill, handicapped people, people with chronic illness. Right on the edge of disaster. My heart bleeds for all of us. And this is where limitations come into the picture. I cannot fix any of it. My heart can only bleed. And as my heart bleeds, it becomes empty - so that I can fill it with love and that love can spur me to act. I can't fix it, yet I can do small things.

One is recognizing my own limitations and how I resist them. Another is educating myself about the experience of others. I can call my senators and representative to thank them for their service or ask them to vote a certain way. I can share my story so others may benefit in some way.

All of that come after acceptance of our limitations. At least for me, I need to pace myself so that I, too, am not thrown into despair or homelessness and thus be useless to everybody.

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