Thursday, April 27, 2017


Matthew 18:26 - Then the servant fell to his knees, imploring him, "Have mercy on me and I will pay back all."

As I was thinking about this picture of vulnerability, I thought about my sermon for "I thirst." This, too, is a picture of vulnerable humanity, powerless over so many forces that nonetheless shape his life. We are all right there with him. Hoping for mercy and sometimes receiving it.

Then, it occurred to me that when we see others hurting, in a predicament (even of their own making), or otherwise in need, we should see Christ - on the cross. That is when Christ was in need. I know that I often see Christ triumphant but that is not the Christ in people who need help. It gave me a new way of thinking about crucifixes as opposed to empty crosses. The crucifix is not to focus on the harm, the blood, the degradation so much as to remember when Christ was needy. Again, we go too fast to God as triumphant on Easter. We do not wish to linger on Good Friday - it is too painful. Yet, we live here.

Christ on the cross - helpless, powerless, vulnerable, human.

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