Sunday, April 23, 2017

Matthew 18:24 - When he began the reckoning one was brought to him who owed him 10,000 talents.

There are so many questions. Why did he owe this much money? Why couldn't he pay it back? How can he pay it back now? What was the money used for and where did it go? Why did the king lend it to him in the first place? What will happen to him? How much would 10,000 talents be then? today?

Well, that last one is answered for us; it's roughly 15 years worth of wages for a laborer. At $15/hour that would be 750,000 today. That is quite a sum for anyone to be owing. Which brings to mind an additional question: what was the servant thinking as he/she (probably he) brought in? Was he panicking? confident? about to lose control of his bowels?

Many of these questions are unanswerable. Yet, we can see we have a situation in which both parties made bad decisions. The king in lending that much money to a servant; and the servant in not only borrowing the money but also in somehow not having any of it now. How is this situation comparable to the kingdom of heaven? Maybe the details are not important - possibly Jesus is saying we owe God a debt we cannot possibly pay. Why? For life in the first place but, because we are still talking about forgiveness, also God's forgiveness of our sins against God and each other.

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