Friday, January 13, 2017

These Little Ones

Matthew 18:10 - See that you do not despise these little ones for I tell you that their angels in heaven are always before my father who is in heaven.

Jesus finishes answering the question the disciples asked way back in verse 1 - Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. He reiterates his point here underlining it by pointing out how special they are to God - their angels are always before God. Children are the least of these on earth yet the greatest of these in heaven.

How we treat children and others who are vulnerable in society says a lot about our views of God. And now I'm reminded of the Republicans gutting the ACA in the name of "fiscal responsibility" and lower taxes for those people who are already rich. Ugh. I'm still having a hard time remembering that the people who voted for trump and ryan are also loved by God.

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