Friday, January 6, 2017

Cut it out

Matthew 18:8 - And if your hand or your foot tempts you to sin, cut it off and cast it away from you; it is better for you to enter life maimed or lamed than to have two hands or two feet and be cast into the eternal fire.

Ooh. Often people say this is hyperbole, yet I think there is a point here. Jesus is telling his disciples (and us) that we need to look not only at the sin we have committed, but also at the attitude or desires that led us to that action. We definitely need to cast those evil desires out. As we have said, sin is breaking a relationship. This was not something to be done lightly in that day and place - especially with one's family. It was very hard to live alone.

So, today, I will be looking at my own attitudes - desire for control, passion, anger, fear, panic to see where they come from. Addressing the underlying issue is what Jesus is saying. It's not enough for me to apologize for hurting someone if I am not going to do my best to prevent it from happening again. Searching our hearts is part of that process. Yes, and cutting out the attitudes and perspectives that harm others rather than lead to life.

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