Thursday, January 26, 2017


Matthew 18:11 - For the Son of Humanity came to save that which was lost.

Boy, do we need this now! This is a verse that seems to have been added later (It was not in my text but in a footnote). However, this verse has been helping me get through these last days and weeks. The traitors have won and are in the process of dismantling our democracy. It is horrifying. And I guess we had it coming. Although, really, the people who perpetuated crap in our name had this coming and they are not those who will suffer.

Yet, on the other hand, what makes us so special that these things should not happen to us? Why not us? The real question is - what to do now? How to resist? How to take care of my self in this madness. How to not become lost in the process of finding the lost.

I know Jesus means those who have fallen away - such as those who are perpetuating this madness - yet, there are other ways to be lost. Grant that I might reach all that God would have me reach today.

Friday, January 13, 2017

These Little Ones

Matthew 18:10 - See that you do not despise these little ones for I tell you that their angels in heaven are always before my father who is in heaven.

Jesus finishes answering the question the disciples asked way back in verse 1 - Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. He reiterates his point here underlining it by pointing out how special they are to God - their angels are always before God. Children are the least of these on earth yet the greatest of these in heaven.

How we treat children and others who are vulnerable in society says a lot about our views of God. And now I'm reminded of the Republicans gutting the ACA in the name of "fiscal responsibility" and lower taxes for those people who are already rich. Ugh. I'm still having a hard time remembering that the people who voted for trump and ryan are also loved by God.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Cut It Out Pt II Perspective

Matthew 18:9 - And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better to enter life with one eye than to be cast into the Gehenna of fire with two eyes.

Feet and arms and hands cause sin through the mind, but also through the eyes. We see what we want and we take it. We see things that cause desire in us and we act on them. Yet, the eyes are also the window to the soul. If our eyes are only seeing things we want - objects - then we will never treat others as people - subjects with agency of their own. This breaks the relationship.

This addition to the 10 commandments underscores their main point - other people are beloved of God. Other people count just as much as you. It is hard for me to witness others who treat people as objects, things to be used and cast away.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Cut it out

Matthew 18:8 - And if your hand or your foot tempts you to sin, cut it off and cast it away from you; it is better for you to enter life maimed or lamed than to have two hands or two feet and be cast into the eternal fire.

Ooh. Often people say this is hyperbole, yet I think there is a point here. Jesus is telling his disciples (and us) that we need to look not only at the sin we have committed, but also at the attitude or desires that led us to that action. We definitely need to cast those evil desires out. As we have said, sin is breaking a relationship. This was not something to be done lightly in that day and place - especially with one's family. It was very hard to live alone.

So, today, I will be looking at my own attitudes - desire for control, passion, anger, fear, panic to see where they come from. Addressing the underlying issue is what Jesus is saying. It's not enough for me to apologize for hurting someone if I am not going to do my best to prevent it from happening again. Searching our hearts is part of that process. Yes, and cutting out the attitudes and perspectives that harm others rather than lead to life.

Monday, January 2, 2017


Matthew 18:7 - Woe to the world for its temptations to sin; temptations to sin must come, yet woe to the one through whom they come.

I am thinking of this by interpreting the word 'world' as society. As a product of fallible humans, society itself is fallible. And therefore, has many temptations to sin build within it. Sin. I have heard one definition of sin as "breaking relationship with." When I choose to read over spending time with my loved ones, sometimes that is breaking relationship. If I choose to hurt another, I am breaking the relationship. If I choose to not pray, I am breaking the relationship I have with God. Relationships are work - well for some of us anyway.

And as such, I need to make sure I do my part to keep my relationships strong. That means keeping in contact, praying for others, listening when my friends or family talk. It means letting go of my own concerns momentarily and immersing myself in my friends' concerns.

Yes, our world has many temptations to break relationships with others. It cannot be a coincidence that my word for this year is relational. I want to view situations and people in their context rather than discrete entities. To do that I must be out in the "sinful" world and listen.