Sunday, September 13, 2015


Matthew 10:11 - Whatever town or village you enter, find whoever in it is worthy and remain there until you leave.

This is interesting. Jesus himself ate with tax collectors, right? How was he worthy? What does Jesus mean by worthy? Clearly he cannot mean the people in power, the elders. At least not exclusively. A related question is, "worthy of what?" Worthy of their presence? of being blessed? of being trusted? All three?

So today all I have are questions:
What is worthy to me? How do I interpret worthy in this passage? Am I worthy? In what ways am I worthy? In what ways am I not worthy?

Additionally, this passage highlights the fact that judgment is necessary. This is not the same judgment referred to in chapter 7 - Do not judge lest you be judged. No, I think this judgment might be labeled discernment, the good kind of judgment. So often these are confused because they sometimes look the same. They differ in the motivation of the judger/discerner.

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