Sunday, September 27, 2015


Matthew 10:21-22 - And brother will hand over brother to death and father, children. Children will rise against their parent to have them killed. You will be hated by all because of my name. But the one who endures to the end, this one will be saved.

There is so much here about betrayal. Reading this today, we know that this is what happened to Jesus - he was betrayed by one of his own "family." Even today, there are places where these happen - in America and all around the world. This speaks to how I felt about Eric. I felt betrayed. Not only by Eric, but by Debbie and Jan as well. I think this bled over into my ministry this week and I need to let it go NOW.

I also want to ponder the question, what does it mean to endure? I think it might have something to do with integrity. My work place is going through a revision similar to Cychem after it was sold to Vasu. This time, I am on the outside somewhat as I do not work often - although I have worked a lot over these two weeks. Yet, I still want to stand with those who are mistreated. They are having talks and hoping to be civil with management. Management is not being civil and I think there will come a time when unionizing will be all that's left. Part of me questions the ethics of continuing to work there and part of me wants to stay to stand with those who are being mistreated - I am not immune. Integrity and hospitality. Integrity is an integral part of hospitality and that is one thing I need to work on regarding my childhood.

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