Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Letting Go

Matthew 10:14 - And if no one receives you or listens to your words, then go out from that house or that town and shake the dust off your feet.

In other words, leave them to God. Do not pester them or harangue them. Do not say you'll pray for them. Do not bring it up in conversation whenever you see them. Turn them over to the care of God. Evangelism is just as much about when to quit as it is when to start.

But, it's okay to agree to disagree. Not just about God and Love, but also about other things. We do not have to convince everyone that we are correct and they must agree with us. We can learn to let it go and live and let live. So many Christians need to learn this.

This also brings up my situation with Eric. Am I not knowing when to let something go? How important is it? Am I now trying to convince Eric of something that he refuses to get? I often think about my part here. I need reminding that this is important. If he treated me that way, he will treat others that way. If he cannot see, he will not change. However, and this is where this verse comes up. It is not my job to make him see. He may never get it. No matter how he responds, I am bowing out and turning it over to session or the CPM. They have authority that I do not have to make sure he understands how important it is to treat congregants well and to learn ways not to panic.

So today, I will think of other things that I need to let go of. For my sake and for the sake of others around me.

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