Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Matthew 10:23 - When they persecute you in one town, flee to another. Amen, I say to you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man returns.

Well, not sure what to say about this. Except, again, we are allowed to leave when we are not granted hospitality or are in fact persecuted. There is therefore an element of bodily autonomy in these passages. There is no request to become a martyr. Rather Jesus give permission to take care of ourselves.

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Matthew 10:21-22 - And brother will hand over brother to death and father, children. Children will rise against their parent to have them killed. You will be hated by all because of my name. But the one who endures to the end, this one will be saved.

There is so much here about betrayal. Reading this today, we know that this is what happened to Jesus - he was betrayed by one of his own "family." Even today, there are places where these happen - in America and all around the world. This speaks to how I felt about Eric. I felt betrayed. Not only by Eric, but by Debbie and Jan as well. I think this bled over into my ministry this week and I need to let it go NOW.

I also want to ponder the question, what does it mean to endure? I think it might have something to do with integrity. My work place is going through a revision similar to Cychem after it was sold to Vasu. This time, I am on the outside somewhat as I do not work often - although I have worked a lot over these two weeks. Yet, I still want to stand with those who are mistreated. They are having talks and hoping to be civil with management. Management is not being civil and I think there will come a time when unionizing will be all that's left. Part of me questions the ethics of continuing to work there and part of me wants to stay to stand with those who are being mistreated - I am not immune. Integrity and hospitality. Integrity is an integral part of hospitality and that is one thing I need to work on regarding my childhood.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Matthew 10:17-20 - Beware of (lit: give heed to, attend to) men, for they will betray you to councils and flog you in their synagogues; and you will be dragged before governor's and kings because of me; and as a testimony to them and to the nations. When they hand you over, do not worry about how you are to speak and what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given to you at that time. For it is not you who speak but the spirit of your Father speaking through you.

This passage speaks of trust but also caution. It starts out with beware. But given the context of the rest of the passage - trusting God with our words and our bodies and our lives - that may not be the best translation. I think better would be; be warned, pay attention to what I'm about to say about men/ people in general.

We are to trust that whatever comes into our lives, God will give us words, tools, and actions to handle it. God is with us - in Spirit.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Wise and innocent

Matthew 10:16 - Behold, I send you as sheep among wolves. Therefore become wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

I have always thought that wisdom and innocence are contrasted here. Yet, this morning, I think they are complementary. Wise being prudent and thoughtful, innocence being authentic, honest. (guileless) So, Jesus is telling the apostles (the ones sent) to become, to cultivate wisdom and innocence. I think he is asking the same of us.

I find it interesting here that serpents are given a good quality. They are described as wise, yet, in the garden the serpent was wise yet deceitful - sly, wily. So, here we can see that the good qualities of serpents are desired and the bad quality, guile, is explicitly rejected in favor of the innocence and honesty, openness of doves.

The kind of wisdom he wants is street smarts, although I'm sure many would reject that idea. Jesus knew which way the political wind blew in his time. He knew about human nature - that is street smarts; being able to read situations and respond accordingly. He is asking us to become, to cultivate an awareness of our nature as well as others. Yet, he doesn't want us to use this information against others or ourselves as the serpent in the garden did. He wants us to be honest, guileless. The wisdom we cultivate should be used to build up rather than destroy and our purity, our innocence should likewise be used to build up others. Possibly to be an example of living an honest, open life. Possibly this is a good verse for my CPE?

Friday, September 18, 2015


Matthew 10:15 - I tell you it will be better for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah than for those towns.

Because they were not welcoming. Not so much because they wouldn't hear the message; they did not receive the disciples and give them a place to stay.

And I too have not been welcoming. I came home from shopping this morning to find that one of the Roldan's had again parked in our garage. They would not answer the door. I was so angry, I asked Peter to call and then come over and see if he could get them to answer the door. I did not treat Peter well. I was not welcoming to the Roldan or Peter.

So, I will let Peter know when he comes home that I am sorry. I will let him know this was because I have not been taking care of myself emotionally. I have been angry these past few weeks and have not done anything about it. So, the car in our garage was the last straw.

I realize I am angry because I am tired of fighting for every single thing - even things that I should not have to fight for. I am angry at Eric for ignoring me, I am angry at Roldan for making his problem my problem, and I am angry at Debbie for not really standing up for me, and at Peter for thinking an email would be a sufficient way to deal with the garage issue. I am tired of being taken advantage of - especially in my own home. I would like to be more welcoming but for that to happen i need to feel supported by my husband and my neighbors and my church. And none of those things is true this morning.

So, how to welcome them anyway? How to welcome the difficult people? How to welcome those who might again hurt me? I cannot do it on my own. God, you're gonna have to.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Letting Go

Matthew 10:14 - And if no one receives you or listens to your words, then go out from that house or that town and shake the dust off your feet.

In other words, leave them to God. Do not pester them or harangue them. Do not say you'll pray for them. Do not bring it up in conversation whenever you see them. Turn them over to the care of God. Evangelism is just as much about when to quit as it is when to start.

But, it's okay to agree to disagree. Not just about God and Love, but also about other things. We do not have to convince everyone that we are correct and they must agree with us. We can learn to let it go and live and let live. So many Christians need to learn this.

This also brings up my situation with Eric. Am I not knowing when to let something go? How important is it? Am I now trying to convince Eric of something that he refuses to get? I often think about my part here. I need reminding that this is important. If he treated me that way, he will treat others that way. If he cannot see, he will not change. However, and this is where this verse comes up. It is not my job to make him see. He may never get it. No matter how he responds, I am bowing out and turning it over to session or the CPM. They have authority that I do not have to make sure he understands how important it is to treat congregants well and to learn ways not to panic.

So today, I will think of other things that I need to let go of. For my sake and for the sake of others around me.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Matthew 10:11 - Whatever town or village you enter, find whoever in it is worthy and remain there until you leave.

This is interesting. Jesus himself ate with tax collectors, right? How was he worthy? What does Jesus mean by worthy? Clearly he cannot mean the people in power, the elders. At least not exclusively. A related question is, "worthy of what?" Worthy of their presence? of being blessed? of being trusted? All three?

So today all I have are questions:
What is worthy to me? How do I interpret worthy in this passage? Am I worthy? In what ways am I worthy? In what ways am I not worthy?

Additionally, this passage highlights the fact that judgment is necessary. This is not the same judgment referred to in chapter 7 - Do not judge lest you be judged. No, I think this judgment might be labeled discernment, the good kind of judgment. So often these are confused because they sometimes look the same. They differ in the motivation of the judger/discerner.

Friday, September 11, 2015


Matthew 10:9-10 - Acquire no gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belt; no bag for the journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals nor a staff, for the laborer is worthy of his food.

This is interesting. The verb that has traditionally been translated as "take" is actually the verb "to acquire." In other words, not only are they to start out without gold, silver or copper, they are also not to receive (acquire) any on the journey. At least not for themselves. The verb is in a reflexive case. So, they can apparently receive food and drink and presumably a place to rest (I think that comes up in the next sentences), but nothing that they can take with them.

So, Jesus has sent the twelve on this journey - a vision quest of sorts - a journey designed to show them that God is indeed trustworthy and will provide for them. And he does. but how do we make sense of these sentences, these instructions to trust, when so many Syrian refugees have died trying to get to safety. How can I address this? Write my representatives? Offer to house some? I missed the scope of the problem when news media called them "migrants." These people are not migrants, they are refugees and we need to accept them as such. I think we are being called to help. When others have to take this journey, the rest of us are called to help in any way we can.

House, send money to orgs helping, churches taking refugees, families, helping those already in our midst.

But, we need to be doing this for all people! Not just the "sexy' ones.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Matthew 10:8 - Heal those who are sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out the demons; freely you received, freely give.

We have freely received grace, love, joy, and hope from God - we must let that flow through us to others. We must be a channel/instrument of God's peace. God's peace enfolds love, pardon, faith, light, hope and joy. We are asked to always look for ways to help those we meet in our day to day lives. This is not easy, or he wouldn't have to mention it!

We are busy, afraid, judgmental, selfish, proud, hateful or any of a host of things. We tell ourselves that so that we do not have to bear the cost of being a neighbor. Lord, help me to see where I can be neighborly today and everyday.

Monday, September 7, 2015


Matthew 10:7 - And as you go, preach, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven has come near."

What wondrous news that must have been to those who heard it! What wondrous news it is meant to be for us. But how do we understand the term "kingdom of heaven?" In Matthew, it usually means God. God has come near. God is in our midst - just as She is in the midst of the new Jerusalem (Psalm 46). What wondrous news! and what scary news!


Yes. Because God's being in the midst of us is a constant reminder that we are to be about God's work, challenging us to go ever deeper in our relationship with him and with others - our neighbors. For the Israelites, the day of judgment was not a happy one! It meant fear and punishment. But often they felt so proud of their heritage they forgot this.

But for Jesus, it means both judgment and blessing. As with many theophanies, it is joyous and scary and wonderful and challenging. We do not always know what to make of it when God appears in our midst. But I am here to tell you that we need not worry. Jesus is both our judge and our accuser. God is love and we will not die forever.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Conversion - or Not

Matthew 10:5-6 - Jesus sent these twelve apostles charging them saying, "Do not go to the roads of the Gentiles nor to the towns of the Samaritans, but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

Because Jesus wasn't about conversion so much as he was about bringing the sheep home. His message was for the lost sheep - not the Pharisees or those who were truly pious, but to those that society and the Jewish authorities had marginalized. Those who needed help finding the way.

I was a lost sheep and Jesus found me. I cannot say why. I feel called to go to the other lost sheep and be there for them like others were there for me. There are so many lost sheep that our society shuns and shames - homeless people, mentally ill people, lonely people, prideful people, people who are lost but are not aware of it, African-Americans here in the US, LGBTQ people, refugees, immigrants, women who have been abused or raped, so so many people. There is no need for conversion, except conversion of our (my) hearts that we may go to these people as Jesus did and be with them, share their experiences and share God's love.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Matthew 10:1 - And he called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority over unclean spirits; to cast them out and to heal all diseases and infirmities.

So, do we also have the authority over unclean spirits and diseases and infirmities? Clearly not. At least, sometimes, doctors do. Yet, rarely can we heal by touch. Except in cases of spiritual malaise. That can be healed by being loved back to life. Others have done this for me and I want to give back by doing the same for others.

Using what authority I do have - over my own actions, responses, thoughts and feelings toward others.