Thursday, March 18, 2021


  (Part 4 of a 5-part series. Part 1 here, Part2 here. Part 3 here.)

 Taken. Chosen. Set Apart.

In my Intro to Theology class at seminary, we had to do a Holy Spirit project and present it to the class. I used the metaphor of the seasons to ground my project. Winter was the wind blowing and pushing us, sometimes to places we don’t really want to go. Spring was rain and refreshment and growth. Summer was warmth and light. Fall was cool and connection; a slowing of our pace. Today, I want to talk about the Holy Spirit as winter, blowing and driving us where God wants us to be.


Sometimes to places we don’t want to go. Like church on a Sunday morning. Like seminary. Not only was I not looking for Jesus when I found him, I was not interested. I was only looking for a better life. That, however, did not stop Jesus from looking for and choosing me. I used to joke that seminary and ministry was for people who really needed it. Because what I learned in seminary wasn’t so much theology, but how to live in a community and how to love those I might deem unlovable. I got a lot of practice on that last one in seminary. I learned more about being loved too. And about myself. I’m not sure I would have learned these things otherwise. Although everyone there didn’t necessarily need it, I really needed seminary. I was chosen.


The thing is – God chooses everybody; in their own way. I have a friend who follows the Lakota way. She tells me that the spirits are always looking for someone to talk with, to teach, to love. If we’re too busy going about our lives, we won’t hear them. I like that. God is always broadcasting love. If we don’t listen, we won’t hear. In that sense, I chose God in choosing to listen. That sets those of us who listen apart from those who don't, but we're also set apart by what we hear God saying. My spouse and I routinely hear different messages, because we are different people. God is not calling him to the same service to which he is calling me.

Set Apart.

We’re taken or chosen or set apart – however you want to look at it – not because were awesome or special but because we heard, we listened, and we responded. What was once broadcasting has become a dialogue. Even if we grumble and complain, God still calls us to continue deeper into loving ourselves, loving him, loving others. Always.

And that leads us back to blessing. Because to follow Jesus, to go where the persistent wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing is to practice love, and to practice love is to be blessed by love. Even if I’m being blown where I don’t want to go, or asked to love someone I don’t want to love.


May you be blessed to be taken ... chosen ... set apart.



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