Monday, June 18, 2018

What Would Jesus Do?

Matthew 23:10 – “Neither are you to be called ‘master,’ for you have one master, Christ.”
If Christ is our master, we must follow him. We must ask ourselves, what he would do in every situation. We are truly in a “What would Jesus do?” moment in the US, if we didn’t pass it 18 months ago. Even children being forcibly separated from their parents at the border isn’t enough for Republicans to go against 45 and pass a fucking bill stating clearly that what Sessions is doing is illegal. (If you’re worried about my cussing, click here.)  I just tried calling my senator and his phone is busy. I hope it’s people giving him hell. I’m going to keep trying. I left a message for Ryan. I’m pretty sure it’s spitting in the wind, but I’m going to keep up the pressure as best I can. Because this is what evil looks like. Traumatizing children, who have already been traumatized in their home country and even getting here, is not what Jesus would do. Doing so in the name of God and using the Bible to support such filth, is blasphemy of the highest order. Just a reminder, Sessions used the same verse to support his actions that 'white' Christians used to support slavery, Jim Crow laws, and other atrocities.

According to Matthew, Jesus himself was a refugee. His family took him to Egypt for his safety. He was not taken away from his parents. Do you think he remembered that experience when he said, “Let the children come to me?” (Notice he didn’t take them away from their parents.) Can we not see Jesus in these children?

So. Who is your master? Which side are you on? Are you on the side of justice, love, and mercy? Or do you favor this current policy? It’s not a difficult question, really. However, if you say you are on the side of love, justice and mercy and stay silent – you’re actually supporting the other side … Silence always supports the status quo. Always.

Please don’t be silent. Call your representatives; donate money where you can; call the DOJ (202) 353-1555; call Paul Ryan (202) 225-0600; call McConnell (202) 224-2541 – even if that makes your stomach turn; protest where you can; talk with your church about becoming a sanctuary church; educate yourself and call out lies when you hear them; find a way to be counted. Find several ways. Don’t stop. They are counting on your silence. They are counting on this to blow over. Don’t let it blow over. We have already let too many things blow over. Where do you stand and how will anyone know unless you speak up?

Ask yourself, "What would Jesus do?" and, to the best of your ability, follow him.

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