Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Matthew 23:11 – “The one who is greatest among you, shall be your servant.”

Jesus does not want us to be lording it over others. Instead, we are called to service – servant leadership. We are called not only to serve our fellow Christians, but also “the least of these.” Right now, in America, the least of these are the families being separated at the border. The least of these are Black Americans who are struggling to survive in this land of white supremacy. The least of these are those whom 45 and his administration would like to just go away or die, judging from the legislation they propose. They lead by lording it over others as did the Romans. We are not to follow their example, but rather Christ’s example of service to everyone.

We are to focus on making the lives of those who are suffering safer, easier, better. We all have people in our neighborhoods or towns who we can help. Now is the time (it’s always the time!) to put ourselves out there and be a part of the solution. Mr. Rogers talks about his mom telling him to “look for the helpers. There will always be someone helping.” When you find the helpers, become a helper alongside them. Love always wins the war – if not every battle.

Let’s spread love through our actions rather than just our words.

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