Saturday, June 16, 2018

Taking the Lord's Name in Vain

I don't know that there’s consensus on what this commandment means. Jewish people do not pronounce God’s name (YHVH) and write it so as to be unpronounceable. Would saying God’s name qualify? If so, a lot of Christians are in trouble … Or was there more to it? What about swearing using Jesus or God? Is that taking God’s name in vain? Is this the same as blaspheming the Spirit that Jesus talks about? I have another idea about what this might mean, but I want to begin with an illustration.

Jeff Sessions’ policy is to separate children from their parents when they cross the border. So far, over 2000 children have been forcibly separated from their parents crossing the border seeking asylum. It is legal to cross the border seeking asylum. It is only a misdemeanor, not a crime, to cross the border for other reasons. Sessions and the border patrol are punishing people for doing something that is either completely legal or the equivalent of jaywalking. At the same time, Sessions removed two qualifying factors for determining asylum status – gangs and domestic violence. They are determined to keep “those” people out. I mentioned the book, Mothers of Massive Resistance. Those mothers worked very hard to keep white people separated from everyone else. They’re still working very hard to keep America ‘white.’

When questioned about this new policy, Sessions claimed that Romans 13 tells us to obey the law. Remember, these two actions are not law, they are merely policy. That is lie number one. Another problem with this statement, is that Sessions is ignoring the line between church and state. Our leaders should not be basing their policy solely on the Bible. In fact, the policy itself is illegal; not to mention cruel and unusual punishment. Sessions is claiming that what he’s doing is sanctioned by God because he’s following the law. Neither premise is true.

The press secretary also stated that it’s Biblical to follow the law. However, when she was pressed for more complete answers, she began to treat reporters (especially Jim Acosta, who was not going to let it go) like children. She repeatedly hid behind the Biblical explanation as well propping up the lie that this is law rather than policy. She added the extra twist of blaming the Democrats for not fixing it as if the Republicans do not have a majority in both houses and are not all that interested in fixing it.

I say it again: they are doing these things in God’s name. That, to me, is taking the Lord’s name in vain. To them, their actions are perfectly Biblical and sanctioned by God. Every time they justify their crimes against humanity by pointing to God, Jesus, or the Bible, they are taking the Lord’s name in vain.

Again, they have to work very hard to keep ‘white’ people separate from everyone else. Look at how low they are stooping and how much work they’re having to do just to try to stop immigration. If you’re feeling helpless about this, may I suggest looking for protests happening in your area? Calling the DOJ and letting your voice be heard? Calling your reps and senators and asking them to support the bills in the house and senate designed to stop this atrocious policy? Donating money to the ACLU and other organizations working to support these families? If you are unable to do these things, at least don’t believe their lies. Call out people around you who repeat them. Do not let their narrative go unchallenged. Who will speak up for these families if not us? Make their work harder by pushing back against their lies. Those lies are poison and we hold the antidote in our hands. Let’s use it.

That is using God’s name to bear good fruit.

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