Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Gathering

Matthew 22:34 – When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together (around Jesus).

So, the Pharisees are getting back into the act, and the tag-team, theology wrestling match continues. All that’s lacking is the announcer, unless you count Matthew. It’s nice that they’re taking turns rather than ganging up on him. It reminds me of martial arts movies; everyone gathered around, dancing menacingly, politely waiting their turn to attack.

The word in Hebrew for gathering is ‘synagogue.’ This particular gathering is not worshipful but confrontational, a protest gathering of sorts. Although when we think of a protest, we think of protesting those in power rather than power protesting the poor, which is what the Pharisees are doing here. Jesus had the gall to speak up for the poor, and they cannot let that challenge to their leadership stand.

Republicans in the house and senate have the same attitude about protesters gathering to speak up for the vulnerable and oppressed; they have them arrested. The Republicans deserve the anger and the push back they are getting.  At 40 sites around the country, the Poor People’s Campaign is pushing back by sponsoring 40 days of protest beginning May, 14th. In Ohio, we’ll be gathering every Monday in Columbus. Well, Peter and I won’t go every Monday, but we’ll be there this Monday.

It’s sad to me that protests are necessary. Sadder, still that those who are protested against have ignored their constituents in favor of their rich donors. They and the entire administration are corrupt and it’s doing damage to many people’s lives. Remember, Jesus is all about people – they come first. That’s what the Poor People’s Campaign aims to do; lift up the people and remind our representatives that it’s the people who matter. There will be a lot of work to do just to get back to where we were, not to mention getting to a more equal and livable society for everyone.

The number one thing we can do to make our voices heard is to contact our city, county, state, and US representatives. The second thing we can do is vote. Today is primary day in Indiana, North Caroline, Ohio, and West Virginia. Go vote! Yes, the candidates are not perfect. Yes, we wish they were more this or that. But one is almost always (especially lately) a better fit than another. This is not the time to sit out, but to jump in. White people are very late at jumping in. We need to repent of our tardiness and gather with Americans of all colors to work for a better, more just society for all.

Contacting our representatives, voting, gatherings, educating ourselves on the issues, marching, organizing with others, demonstrating, contributing money, and civil disobedience. Only when we gather together can our power be felt. The Pharisees, chief priests, elders, and the lawyers are gathering around Jesus to do harm. They won. We must gather with the vulnerable and oppressed in our society to correct the harm we’ve done to them. True, it may not work right away. But we have no chance of changing anything if we do nothing.

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