Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Stumbling Block

Matthew 21:44 - "The one who falls on this stone will be broken in pieces, and it will crush anyone on whom it falls."

How to interpret this passage? Either the stone is on the ground (can be stumbled upon) or high on a wall/roof (can fall). It cannot be in both places. Well, keep in mind, Jesus is still building his building, the Church. Jesus is gathering living stones to build his church. Living stones to build a living church.

Yet, whether we consider the Church built or not, there are thousands of Christian denomination making up the Church. All of these people profess the same Lord, yet we all have different ideas about what it means to serve him. Perhaps we, too, are stumbling on this stone. I don't think that having different beliefs and practices is necessarily a bad thing. There are some communities whose beliefs do cause harm to their followers, but I'm not here to name names though. Diversity in worship and thought can lead to discussion and struggling with the Scriptures, which is what we all should do anyway. It can, but, sometimes, it just leads to one group writing off another group due to their beliefs or practices.

I confess, I am guilty of this on a regular basis - thinking I know best how to serve Christ and what to believe. This isn't a helpful attitude when dealing with others who believe or act differently. So, today, rather than dismiss another's opinion, I'll try to open a dialogue instead - even if only in my sanctified imagination. I will strive to understand rather than condemn. There is already too much condemnation floating around out there.

Will you join me?

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