Monday, February 5, 2018


Matthew 21:30 - The father went to the other son and said the same. He answered, "I'm going, sir," but he didn't go.

Continuing our parable from Friday, we see the other son doing exactly the opposite of the first son: He says yes and then doesn't do as promised. I'm going out on a limb to say that we all have experienced people such as this and have even been this person. Some of us remain this person. The person whose word cannot be trusted and so people stop trusting them, stop asking them for favors, stop expecting any follow through. Such a person isn't quite mature enough to follow through on their word.

It reminds me of Senator McCain - all talk and no action. He talks a good game, but always, always, always votes along with the Republicans. His words are hollow. Such actions lead to a breakdown of trust between the promise-giver and the promise-receiver. Friday we looked at repentance; today we see an example of action that requires such repentance, a breach that needs repairing. The trust between the father and son has been broken.

Such trust is what keeps the United States running. Yet, we're seeing a break-down of trust in, and an attack on the integrity of, our institutions. It's hard to know how to deal with one untrustworthy person, let alone a government and its representatives sowing distrust. Consider this your reminder that this administration is NOT normal. NONE of this is normal or healthy. Our Republican congresspeople and senators are NOT acting with integrity. They are breaking the trust that is so essential to our life in this country. Please don't let yourself get used to this as the new normal.

But they kept their promises you might be saying. This is true and brings me to an important point about integrity. WHAT one promises is important to this equation. Keeping a promise is only a sign of integrity if the promise itself leads to healing and flourishing of people. Keeping your promise to cut taxes by favoring corporations over people, by making corporation tax cut permanent while letting the people's tax cut expire in a few years, and by quietly changing the amount of withholding to make it seem as if we're getting more money is not acting with integrity. There is no virtue in keeping a promise that does not lead to the flourishing of human lives.

Republican leaders are pretending to be something they're not - with Fox News to back them up, It is just as disgusting and repulsive as Justin Timberlake appropriating Prince or Dodge appropriating Dr. King's legacy to sell cars. So, our question is still, "How do we keep them accountable?" How can we act with integrity in this situation? As George Orwell wrote, "in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

Do I act with integrity in my relationships? Do I have courage to tell the truth? Where can I do better? Do I need to repent? How to respond to untrustworthy people in love?

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