Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Do Everything You Can

Matthew 18:17 - But if that one refuses to listen to them (witnesses), speak to the church; and if that one refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile or a tax collector.

On the one hand, this verse makes it clear that we are to do everything we can to restore good relations and keep all members in communion. That is how important relationship is to God. Following the instructions of these verses, could lead to restorative justice. Everyone is satisfied and no one is kicked out of community. I know I underestimate the benefits of being in communion with those who have hurt me. I can see in this verse that God is calling me to reconcile my own relationships.

On the other hand, Jesus says let that one be to you as a Gentile or tax collector. This implies that they are to be shunned? (I should look into that!). Yet, Jesus himself treated Gentiles and tax collectors the same as he treated Jews. ... There is tension there about what exactly Jesus is saying. My mind springs to - keep your distance AND keep in contact, in communion with that person. They may come around and if you have not burned the bridge, they will be able to walk over back to you, and the church.

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