Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Binding and Loosing

Matthew 18:18 - For whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose (destroy?) on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Coming on the heals of the discussion about how to deal with people who offend us, this verse points to the power the disciples (we) had/have to create heaven. Whoever we bind to ourselves or to the church will be bound to the church in heaven. Whatever we loosen from ourselves or the church will not be in heaven - loosed from heaven? I think it speaks to the importance of relationship again. It is important to give others every chance imaginable before we decide to loose them, excommunicate them. This power must be used with care and love.

Yet, when I think of this verse out of context, I often think about Jesus' binding up of wounds, loosening the chains of the prisoners, loosing people from demonic possession, binding up broken hearts. It is a reverse way of thinking about creating heaven. I am not sure if Jesus or his listeners would have understood this in this way. Yet, it is a beautiful way of thinking about this verse that lets go of the punishment/reward idea and instead focuses on people - their health, their problems, their relationship to God and to each other.

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