Sunday, December 4, 2016

Temple Tax

Matthew 17:24 - As they were coming into Capernaum, the tax collectors came to Peter and asked, "Does not your teacher pay the temple tax?" and he said, "Yes."

This passage was puzzling to me until I began to think of it not in terms of tithing to the church but to supporting our communities - church, neighborhoods, cities, states, country. We do not pay tithes or taxes just because they are requested or required. No. We pay them because we want to do what we can to pay for those who govern. Even when we disagree. Now, I am not a fan of taxes, but I get that they are the price I pay for civilization. I cannot on my own do church, police my city, tar my roads, bring electricity to my house and the myriad other things our taxes pay to accomplish.

Yet, today we have a reverse situation - the tax collectors (those in power) are and have been lowering the taxes of the rich and raising the taxes of those least able to afford it. In that situation, not paying taxes becomes a radical act. A protest of injustice. If we could do this on a grand scale, it would really send a message to those who govern.

I probably have more thoughts on this.

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