Friday, December 23, 2016

A Child in Our Midst

Matthew 18:2 - And he called a child to come and stood him in their midst.

A child - the classic example of "the least of these." Children are the most vulnerable members of our society. God loves children as much as he loves adults. We often forget - well, I often forget.

So, thinking back to Jesus' answer last time the disciples tried to figure out who was "to be on his right and on his left," we remember the servant/slave. He who leads must be a slave of all. Slaves, too, were very vulnerable in Roman society - which is what Jesus was living in. I need to remind myself of this fact often. Yes, they were Jewish in Israel, yet they were ruled by Romans. Thus there were slaves and slaves were as vulnerable as children. Possibly even more so. I think we can see where Jesus is heading with this child.

Becoming vulnerable is the key to the kingdom.

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