Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Receiving Jesus

Matthew 18:5 - Anyone who receives one such child, receives me.

In other words, we are to not only accept our own powerlessness in the face of God - but also to help each other to do the same. To receive means to be blessed by, to love and to cherish, to nurture. When we are blessing, loving, nurturing and cherishing others, we are blessing, loving, nurturing and cherishing Christ. We become Christ with skin on for those around us - especially the most vulnerable - like children, elderly people, people who are disabled, homeless people, people who are poor in financial/emotional/spiritual resources. The least of these.

I believe that today Jesus would specifically bring a black child (if he were in America). That is how much more vulnerable people who are non-white are in this country. That is injustice and those who fight injustice by receiving these vulnerable people and working with them are blessed to be receiving Christ.

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