Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Prolonging the Vision

Matthew 17:4 - And Peter said to Jesus, "Lord it is good that we are here. Let us make three tents; one for you, on for Moses and one for Elijah."

Yes, we want to stay in the power of God, we want to stay in the vision and prolong the communion with God as long as possible. Sometimes I think we are meant to relate to Peter rather than judge him for his obtuseness. We try and fail. We, too, want to prolong joy and comfort rather than be in the world and work for our families and others. We, too, want to leave the world behind sometimes and it's good to do so.

But we cannot live there. We can only take our lives as they come and alter our plans to suit the need of our community and ourselves. Jesus calls us to work - the harvest is ready and the laborers are few.

Yet we cannot always work. And when we sit for a few minutes or meditate or pray, we are gaining strength - as jesus is doing here - for the work ahead. Having a balance is crucial.

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