Saturday, July 2, 2016

Go with the Flow

Matthew 15:27 - And she answered, "Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from their master's table."

Lovely. She uses the energy of Jesus' argument against him. Rather than fighting his words, his declaration that she is no better than a dog, she agrees with him. Then she argues in that context giving him nowhere to go. I believe this is the premise of judo - use the energy of your opponent against them.

How might this work in our lives? How might our relationships be better if we were to agree for the sake of argument with our opponents' premises and give them no where to go?

In my own life, I am wondering how we can use the opportunity afforded us by Peter's losing his job in two months for momentum rather than letting it stall our walk with God. How might Peter and I go with that flow?

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