Monday, November 3, 2014

Where is my treasure/judging what is right

So this morning's passage is Jesus bringing conflict and interpreting the signs of the times. "And why don't you judge for yourselves what is right?" That was the line that hit me this morning. I think this means that he is letting them know that they (and we) are ready to stop continually looking to others for our authority, to stop following that authority blindly. He sounds angry to me. Angry or frustrated. So should we learn to judge what is right? Just after this he talks about making a deal with your accuser before you get to court because at court they may not get true justice (truly a 21st century reading). But I think he is also suggesting that courts should not be necessary? Almost saying that settling out of court as a mark, an indication of maturity. We can judge for ourselves what is right. But not everyone agrees on this. Our judgments will be more merciful and forgiving - ideally.

Since he's just spoken about treasure in heaven, our judgments will be more merciful if that is where they are. We may be less likely perhaps to hang on to our possessions, our social status and our rigidity, need for control so tightly. Loosen up. Let the small things go. Again, I come back to D and E. Oh boy do I need to let that anger go. I suspect there's something deeper her that I need to look at.

Being misunderstood, treated as though I'm stupid or naive. I'm not sure how one would classify the crack about conversation levels. Treating me as if my feelings are just so fragile they have to make an effort to be "sensitive." I'm not a child, and yet I'm angry. Am I angry about the treatment or the loss? Although I can see that I'd rather not work with such people, I'm still hurt to be Othered in such a way. I'm not sure how others get past that. Maybe I need to start by accepting. Accepting what they did and accepting that I did not speak up for myself. I think that is what I am most frustrated about. I cannot change their actions nor my response. So acceptance.

As I write there is a young child outside who's very angry. I wonder if God feels toward me what I feel toward that child - compassion and a knowledge that although their grief is large and all-consuming now, it's really very small compared to the rest of their life. I think God does.

Where is my treasure in this situation? What is right? Acceptance and compassion.

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