Friday, July 30, 2021


Matthew 26:40 - Then he came to the disciples and found them sleeping; and he said to Peter, “So, could you not stay awake with me one hour?”

Last post, I discussed the disciples not being up to the task of supporting Jesus or carrying on his work. Here, we see some evidence of this. Although Jesus only talks to Peter, all the disciples are asleep. They cannot or don’t want to comprehend the urgency, the significance of the moment.

We see this in the US today in people who don’t want to wear masks or don’t want to get vaccinated. They, on some level, cannot comprehend the urgency of the moment. We are still in a worldwide pandemic, and people are prolonging it simply because they don’t have the courage to face it. They would rather deny that it is that big a problem at all. Contrast this attitude with Jesus’ honesty in the previous verse.

So, even though Jesus has told them several times that he is going to die, they still cannot comprehend it. And they act accordingly. They sleep because they are tired, which is good self-care, but in this case is not particularly supportive of Jesus. And his grief about what is going on is compounded by their inability to understand. We cannot be a support to someone if we do not understand what they need.

Grief and denial are closely intertwined. Ask anyone who has had a serious medical diagnosis or had a family member or loved one receive such a diagnosis. It becomes hard to wrap our minds around it, so many thoughts go through our minds, it’s difficult to focus. Yet, if we want to heal or get well, we must face what is happening. The alternative will cause even more grief, our own or others’.

Let’s ask God for help this week recognizing the reality of life, the fragility of life, and acting accordingly. Especially if that seems difficult. Only by facing reality can we be free and joyful.


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