Friday, January 17, 2020

Running on Empty

Matthew 25:8 – “Then the foolish bridesmaids said to the wise bridesmaids, “Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.”

One thing I didn’t discuss regarding verse 5 is that the bridesmaids were sleeping, something Jesus is warning his disciples against. They were not prepared and ready for the bridegroom. This is especially true for those who brought no oil with them. Had they not been sleeping they could have spent the time acquiring oil. Instead, they slept. And while none of them should have been sleeping, the wise bridesmaids get off without condemnation, and the foolish ones are left without enough oil. 

How often do we run ourselves down without replenishing our oil? How often do we think we can do just one more thing and find out we’ve gone too far? American culture doesn’t exactly encourage treating ourselves and our bodies with love. We’re more likely to use the phrase “no pain, no gain,” than to recognize our need for rest and replenishment. To the extent that I am good at knowing when to stop, it’s because lupus makes it necessary to do so. I’ve had thirty years’ experience! And it is still hard. My desires for ministry, travel, work, entertainment far outstrip my ability to participate fully in them. I understand wanting to do more than is wise.

I think part of being prepared for Jesus’ return or death or however the Holy Spirit will disrupt our lives, is taking care of our bodies, our minds, and our spirit. We are not machines built to run 24 hours a day. We have limits, and so often we want to ignore those limits for a variety of reasons. In the short term this isn’t usually a problem. It becomes a problem when such activity becomes our lifestyle. If we are not worn out physically, spiritually, and mentally, it will be easier to deal with a car that suddenly stops working, or a death in the family, or any sort of bad news. It will even be easier for us to celebrate good news. It will be easier to accept the disruption of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We will find ourselves more open to people and circumstances when we are not running on empty or low on fuel.

Maybe today is a good to check in with our bodies, and ask ourselves where we might be low on oil.


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